new name, in North
America, for high quality
handheld gauge products.
The SHAN brand of precision
measuring products are manufactured
in China, by the Guilin Measuring and Cutting Tool Works. Recognized
for superior quality and value for over fifty years, SHAN
are carefully manufactured by skilled Chinese craftsmen, using only
the finest materials, to produce a line of fine precision measuring products,
which provide superior service and value for our customers.
Now available in North America, SHAN products are
distributed by approved ISO 17025 laboratories and industrial
distributors. All SHAN products are warranted for 2 years against
manufacturing defects, and come with a manufacturing certificate of
conformance. Our distributors can arrange for any additional
certifications that you require.
Allen Designs LLC is the North American
Marketing Agent for SHAN
We are always looking for opportunities to serve our clients.
If you do not find the product you are looking for, please contact us to
see if we can help. Where necessary, we can provide custom designs to
meet your needs. We can also work with you to develop special products
for integration into your product line. For more information see your
distributor or contact us directly.

Patrick Allen
Allen Designs LLC
Phone (513) 489-3181
Fax (513) 489-3181
email sales@shan-precision.com
Be sure and look at our new 240-XXXP "T Square"
caliper in the New Products section. It's unique design
eliminates measurement errors you get with conventional
calipers when measuring sheet stock.